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THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR is the observance and celebration of the passing of the four seasons and their energies reflected around and within us.
It is the structure with which to connect with (and activate) Earth, Cosmic and Goddess energies for use in daily life, throughout the year. It is founded in an understanding and interpretation of (Northern European) Earth based worship practises, in which the planet is seen as the Goddess or Source or Creatrix and also the space of self-realisation and enlightenment.

It is the observance of Solar energies; the Sun’s seasonal changes in a lunar year. The sun dictates when to plow, sow, harvest and rest. The sun also represents the active and dormant states of nature, man and the agricultural cycle. The turning of the Wheel is the spiral of nature and life itself; birth, death, rest and rebirth.

Solstices and equinoxes are the Solar Festivals. They mark the Four Seasons, from planting to reaping, winter to summer. Midpoints between each season (cross quarter days) are celebrated in many if not most cultures as significant agricultural (here termed) Fire Festivals. Together these eight, the four Solar Festivals and four Fire Festivals make up the Wheel Of The Year.

Marking the seasons was of great importance to our ancestors in four season climates. Their very existence depended upon the right work plus enough sunlight and rainfall to ensure a good harvest, to carry them through the winter.

Coming into Alignment with the Earth/Goddess is something that has been celebrated and even seen a necessity among humans since pre-history. We know for a fact that for a space or around 15-30,000 years people all over the world worshipped a female deity embodied in the planet around them. Indigenous peoples around the world are still fighting to this day to have their world view recognised and the protection of the planet embodied in law. It is (still something) to be celebrated, honoured and of most importance given time and space

Winter is the time to observe, contemplate, gather, reflect, discard, renovate, divine/discover, determine,
Spring is the time of leaping energy to overcome the inertia of winter, time to project, wish, plan, preparing at the beginning of the season culminating in jumping
Summer is the time to expand, blossom, bloom, allow fruit to develop, grow and mature
Autumn is the time for harvesting, gather, collect, collate, begin to evaluate

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